
SIE ihr team


Managers are challenged by the balancing act between management and leadership. Management skills and professional competence are acquired in the course of a career. The qualification to lead employees is neglected. As your COMPANION, I am happy to accompany and support you and your team. Leadership, change, personality and team development are my focal points. What is particularly close to my heart? Getting going", the sustainable implementation of plans and goals.



Effective leadership is established on being able to lead yourself well. Together we work on your leadership skills to build on your personal strengths.

Inspire your team.



Digitalisation, hybrid collaboration or generational change are challenges for managers and their teams.

Together we grow in change processes - with a strengthened team mindset. 



A positive team mindset is the basis for enthusiasm, the common goal can be achieved with ease.

We explore measures that will help your team grow together even better and thus become more successful.


Mental Health


Mit der Selbstmanagement Methode nach ZRM nutzen wir die persönlichen Potenziale jedes Teammitglieds.

Wir stärken dadurch die mentale Gesundheit und werden widerstandsfähiger für die Herausforderungen des Alltags.


After 10 years in the healthcare sector, I spent many years in different positions in financial services and know every aspect of the insurance industry.

In my role as director of company-wide training in an international insurance group I was also responsible for both personal and team development.

As your COMPANION, I will accompany you with a high level of curiosity and regard. I will provide passionate support as you seek to recognize your full potential, develop your talents and reach your goals – as a team, as a company or as an individual.

Ich freue mich sehr darauf, Sie zu begleiten! 
Hier können Sie sich vorab einen „akustischen Eindruck“ von mir holen:

Reach targets and implement projects

Putting things off was yesterday! Now it’s time to get your rational thinking and emotional experience into synch. Your level of personal motivation will grow and you will experience the joy of moving things forward.

Make the most of existing strengths

We use our existing strengths to increase our level of self-efficacy. We use powerful images to explore our emotional experience and focus our resources on our goals.

Make sustainable use of knowledge

Self-management with ZRM© is a structured development process. Everything learnt during the training can be put to good use in further areas.

The Zurich Resource Model – an effective method

Human beings generally attempt to tackle issues and topics through the use of intellect. But if we also consider our subconscious needs alongside our conscious motives, then we enable both head and stomach to pull together and so reach our goals with ease and joy.

The Zurich Resource Model© is a holistic approach. It incorporates the latest neuroscientific evidence and enables immediate connections between intellect, emotion and body.

Together we identify your strengths and goals and then develop concrete strategies to enable you to move towards these goals. In the course of time you will experience how automatisms develop which – just like riding a bike – happen without the use of your intellect.

Forms of cooperation

Individual coaching

Online or face-to-face, you will receive individual support as you tackle your current theme or project. You will learn a method for successful self-management, which can then be applied to all future tasks and projects.

Team workshop and group training

Get to know ZRM© as part of a group. You will experience a varied mix of image association, personal reflection, working in small groups, theory impulses, as well as general group learning.

I look forward to helping you on your way!

My services and workshops are available to everyone, independent of whether you need a companion in leadership questions, HR or in your individual development. Let us get to know each other before starting along the path to success. I am available for a personal chat via video call or phone. Please get in touch to arrange your personal appointment.

Christian Strasser

Get in touch!

COMPANION Travel Guide:

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Im vierteljährlich erscheinenden COMPANION TRAVEL GUIDE gebe ich Ihnen Einblicke in Leadership, Change und Mental Health, sowie spannende Neuigkeiten und nützliche Praxistipps.
